Tom's Top Travel Pix

Managua, Nicaragua. The revolution still lives! Maybe for the government, but I don't think the people really care anymore.

Rivas, Nicaragua. It's not hard to see that you're on the "Ring of Fire" in this country - a row of volcanoes runs right down the middle, and many are still active. This is the Concepcion volcano, out in the middle of Lake Nicaragua. Luckily that's just a cloud, not an eruption..

Pacific Coast, Nicaragua. Most of our trips to Nicaragua were for the surf. This photo was from our first trip here, and we scored big. This beach break was near San Juan del Sur.

Popoyo, Nicaragua. Sometimes just getting to the surf is half the fun.

Ahhhhh... Beautiful, perfect, uncrowded waves. Seems like you gotta go farther and farther to find those nowadays..

Popoyo, Nicaragua. Hmm : Do we surf here or keep looking for even better? decisions, decisions...

San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. Beware of traveling to Latin American countries over Easter Holidays!! Heavily Catholic, everybody has the day/week/month off work, so most businesses are closed and the whole country hits the beach. And everyone drinks during "spring break". A LOT. Just like here in the US, come to think of it.

Popoyo, Nicaragua. Local surf-kids are always willing to pose for a picture.

Salinas, Nicaragua. A future surfer-girl, wearing her ice cream on her face.

Ya gotta take the bad with the good. These scorpions are small but vicious. And devious - we found this one under a pillow! We "evicted" him before he got any of us, but I did finally get stung on the last trip to Nicaragua - it hurts like hell!!
I absolutely hate these things now.

Popoyo, Nicaragua. The end of another fine day.